You’re an actor looking for acting auditions Los Angeles? Or maybe you need help on what to do or expect???
How do you prepare???
Are all auditions the same???
You want to calm your nerves??
You want to get the most out of yourself in a short period of time???
Acting auditions in Los Angeles come many shapes, sizes and forms so sometimes it’s hard to know what to expect or how to prepare. Other times it’s the anxiety and stress of an audition that causes you to panic and worry.
So let us help guide you and take some of the stress out!
Acting Auditions vary around the world and they are certainly different for tv and film than they are for theatre. We will focus on On-Camera auditions in Los Angeles for TV and Film : )
Here acting auditions Los Angeles can be broken down into 3 categories Commercials, TV and Film. They vary slightly but many aspects remain the same to begin with. Acting auditions are usually On-Camera, with a casting director and reader, miles away from where you live and traffc is awful : ) Only adding to the already built up fear and anxiety about “performing” and being judged. But good news is we have a few things here at the studio that we teach to make this feeling a thing of the past in acting auditions!
All about Commercial Auditions
Commercials you would think would be the easiest of the bunch. Less lines! Short auditions! What could be better than that!?
Well in truth they are actually quite unnerving if you don’t know what to expect.
A lot of commercial auditions here in Los Angeles require you to improvise around lines, act out crazy scenes with or without dialogue and to make matters worse sometimes you aren’t even given a breakdown on what you are doing until you arrive 5 minutes before the audition!
To be good at commercial auditions isn’t as easy as just being the right look, its an art form on its own, a different kind of beast. Where to really be able to think fast on your feet, delve deep into your soul in a very short period of time is a key!
To truly be in touch with your body and how it moves, needs to be available to you at the flick of a switch : )
Most of the time you will be asked to jump straight in, then change everything you just did…..and then change it again 10 seconds later.
How do you prepare for such mayhem?
Commercials you would think would be the easiest of the bunch. Less lines! Short auditions! What could be better than that!?
Well in truth they are actually quite unnerving if you don’t know what to expect.
A lot of commercial auditions here in Los Angeles require you to improvise around lines, act out crazy scenes with or without dialogue and to make matters worse sometimes you aren’t even given a breakdown on what you are doing until you arrive 5 minutes before the audition!
To be good at commercial auditions isn’t as easy as just being the right look, its an art form on its own, a different kind of beast. Where to really be able to think fast on your feet, delve deep into your soul in a very short period of time is a key!
To truly be in touch with your body and how it moves, needs to be available to you at the flick of a switch : )
Most of the time you will be asked to jump straight in, then change everything you just did…..and then change it again 10 seconds later.
Where can I find Commercial Auditions?
Commercials you would think would be the easiest of the bunch. Less lines! Short auditions! What could be better than that!?
Well in truth they are actually quite unnerving if you don’t know what to expect.
A lot of commercial auditions here in Los Angeles require you to improvise around lines, act out crazy scenes with or without dialogue and to make matters worse sometimes you aren’t even given a breakdown on what you are doing until you arrive 5 minutes before the audition!
To be good at commercial auditions isn’t as easy as just being the right look, its an art form on its own, a different kind of beast. Where to really be able to think fast on your feet, delve deep into your soul in a very short period of time is a key!
To truly be in touch with your body and how it moves, needs to be available to you at the flick of a switch : )
Most of the time you will be asked to jump straight in, then change everything you just did…..and then change it again 10 seconds later.
All about Television Auditions
Commercials you would think would be the easiest of the bunch. Less lines! Short auditions! What could be better than that!?
Well in truth they are actually quite unnerving if you don’t know what to expect.
A lot of commercial auditions here in Los Angeles require you to improvise around lines, act out crazy scenes with or without dialogue and to make matters worse sometimes you aren’t even given a breakdown on what you are doing until you arrive 5 minutes before the audition!
To be good at commercial auditions isn’t as easy as just being the right look, its an art form on its own, a different kind of beast. Where to really be able to think fast on your feet, delve deep into your soul in a very short period of time is a key!
To truly be in touch with your body and how it moves, needs to be available to you at the flick of a switch : )
Most of the time you will be asked to jump straight in, then change everything you just did…..and then change it again 10 seconds later.
How to prepare for Television Auditions?
Commercials you would think would be the easiest of the bunch. Less lines! Short auditions! What could be better than that!?
Well in truth they are actually quite unnerving if you don’t know what to expect.
A lot of commercial auditions here in Los Angeles require you to improvise around lines, act out crazy scenes with or without dialogue and to make matters worse sometimes you aren’t even given a breakdown on what you are doing until you arrive 5 minutes before the audition!
To be good at commercial auditions isn’t as easy as just being the right look, its an art form on its own, a different kind of beast. Where to really be able to think fast on your feet, delve deep into your soul in a very short period of time is a key!
To truly be in touch with your body and how it moves, needs to be available to you at the flick of a switch : )
Most of the time you will be asked to jump straight in, then change everything you just did…..and then change it again 10 seconds later.
All about Film Auditions
Commercials you would think would be the easiest of the bunch. Less lines! Short auditions! What could be better than that!?
Well in truth they are actually quite unnerving if you don’t know what to expect.
A lot of commercial auditions here in Los Angeles require you to improvise around lines, act out crazy scenes with or without dialogue and to make matters worse sometimes you aren’t even given a breakdown on what you are doing until you arrive 5 minutes before the audition!
To be good at commercial auditions isn’t as easy as just being the right look, its an art form on its own, a different kind of beast. Where to really be able to think fast on your feet, delve deep into your soul in a very short period of time is a key!
To truly be in touch with your body and how it moves, needs to be available to you at the flick of a switch : )
Most of the time you will be asked to jump straight in, then change everything you just did…..and then change it again 10 seconds later.
How to Prepare for Filmauditions?
Commercials you would think would be the easiest of the bunch. Less lines! Short auditions! What could be better than that!?
Well in truth they are actually quite unnerving if you don’t know what to expect.
A lot of commercial auditions here in Los Angeles require you to improvise around lines, act out crazy scenes with or without dialogue and to make matters worse sometimes you aren’t even given a breakdown on what you are doing until you arrive 5 minutes before the audition!
To be good at commercial auditions isn’t as easy as just being the right look, its an art form on its own, a different kind of beast. Where to really be able to think fast on your feet, delve deep into your soul in a very short period of time is a key!
To truly be in touch with your body and how it moves, needs to be available to you at the flick of a switch : )
Most of the time you will be asked to jump straight in, then change everything you just did…..and then change it again 10 seconds later.
Margie’s New Book is Now Available

How to Get the Part Without Falling Apart

Acting Podcast with Margie Haber